48-port shared mobile charging bank, suitable for various scenarios, advertising + rental double income sharing mobile charging station.

48-port shared mobile charging bank, suitable for various scenarios, advertising + rental double income sharing mobile charging station.
Questions about sharing economy, power bank stations, application development, Lita powercompany. Or you can contact us directly for further questions.
Q:What is power bank sharing?
A:Il-kiri tal-qsim tal-bank tal-enerġija huwa kunċett ġdid fl-iċċarġjar tal-mowbajl tiegħek fuq il-go. Diversi kafetteriji, Ristoranti u negozji oħra jsibuha diffiċli biex joffru faċilitajiet għall-iċċarġjar tat-telefon ċellulari lill-klijenti tagħhom.
Sistemi ta 'kiri ta' qsim ta 'bank tal-enerġija joffru stazzjon tal-iċċarġjar tat-telefon komplut b'app sofistikata tal-kiri li tippermetti lill-utent isib u jikri bank tal-enerġija u jżommha sakemm jixtiequ mingħajr ma jkun imwaħħal ma' sokit tal-ħajt.
Q:Do you provide OEM/ODM service?
A:Yes, ChargeEight is one of the most reliable shared power bank rental station manufacturers in the world. We provide one-stop solution for power bank sharing business. If you’re interested in this business, please email zdhx854@gmai.com, or contact us our representatives through a submission, we’ll be in touch within 24 hours.
Q:What payment gateways do you support for the power bank rental?
A:We’ve cooperated with 300+ clients from 50+ countries. All mainstream payment method is available, such as GoogePay, ApplePay, Credit Card, MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, Stripe, Eċċ. You can confirm with us before launching the power bank rental business.
Q:Can I purchase a sample before mass order, and how long will the shipment take?
A:Yes, we can offer samples at a minimum price for your references. We can also produce samples according to your requirements, such as custom color and logo. The shipment usually takes 7-10 days after the sample was completed, depending on your area and local delivery service.
Q:What places are the best to distribute power bank stations?
A:The portable charging station is perfect for restaurants, bars, nightclubs, cafes, stadiums, convention centers, hotels, hospitals, retail stores,cinema and anywhere there is a foot traffic.